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  • Logo Story

    QMC logo is a combination of 2 characteristics of construction industry and aluminum and glass with the word QMC which is the abbreviation of Quoc Minh company. Logo’s hexagon – this is considered the “perfect shape of nature” with a connection to the environment above all other geometries. In nature, this texture is also the texture of the honeycomb. The hard-working bees, high spirit of solidarity, caring, loving and always supporting each other in life have become symbols of will, collective spirit, cohesion, dedication, efforts together. development of all officers and employees of the company.

    In terms of structure, the hexagon represents harmony, precision and sustainability, symbolizing the spirit of cooperation and commitment that the company directs to its customers and partners with products that come with years of guarantee. High durability – Safety – Quality – Environmentally friendly.

    More specifically, the Hexagon represents many multi-dimensional angles, both symbolizing the dynamism, constant creativity, the development of diverse industries and products that in the future the business will continue to expand. scale, both expressing the desire to develop, reach high, reach out, contribute more value to life.

    Color: Green and blue. These are two colors that mutually support each other in the five elements of the universe. Besides, these two colors also have meanings:

    Green: represents the color of nature, the color of Harmony – Peace of mind – Development.

    Blue: represents Sustainability – Strong – Sure.

    Summary: Logo is the synthesis of many layers of meanings: Development – Sustainability – Trust, and the desire to reach out.


    Developed by iColor Branding